Friday, May 27, 2011


SE que me acusan de soberbia, i tal vez de misantropia, i tal vez de locura. Tales acusaciones (que yo castigare a su debido tiempo) son irrisorias. Es verdad que no salgo de mi casa, pero tambien es verdad que sus puertas (cuyo numero es infinito) estan abiertas dia i noche a los hombres i tambien a los animales. Que entre el que quiera. No hallara pompas mujeriles aqui ni el  bizarro aparato de los palacios pero si la quietud i la soledad.  Asimismo hallara una casa como no hay otra en la faz de la tierra. (Mienten los que declaran que en Egipto hay una parecida.)  Hasta mis detractores admiten que no hay un solo mueble en la casa.   Otra especie ridicula es que yo Asterion soy prisionero. Repetire que no hay una puerta cerrada, anhadire que no hay una cerradura?  Por lo demas algun atardecer he pisado la calle; si antes de la noche volvi, lo hice por el temor que me infundieron las caras de la plebe, caras descoloridas i aplanadas, como la mano abierta.
Ya se habia puesto el sol, pero el desvalido llanto de un ninho
y las toscas plegarias de la grey dijeron que me habian reconocido.  La gente oraba, huia, se prosternaba; unos se encaramaban al estilobato del templo de las Hachas, otros juntaban piedras. Alguno, creo, se oculto bajo el mar.  No en vano fue una reina mi madre; no puedo confundirme con el vulgo, aunque mi modestia lo quiera.

El hecho es que soy unico. No me interesa lo que un hombre 
pueda trasmitir a otros hombres; como el filosofo, pienso que nada es comunicable por el arte de la escritura.  Las enojosas
i triviales minucias no tienen cabida en mi espiritu, que esta capacitado para lo grande; jamas he retenido la diferencia entre una letra i otra. Cierta impaciencia generosa no ha consentido que yo aprendiera a leer. A veces lo deploro por que las noches i los dias son largos.

Tomado de
El Aleph

La casa de Asterion
Jorge Luis Borges

Alianza Editorial 

Que le puedo decir/escribir? Si pudiera 
escribir lo haria como Juan Marse, catalan que escribe en el de Cervantes, Garcia Marquez el Colombiano i como este jumirde Argentino, con algo del humorismo de Zamper Pizano en Piedad con este pobre huerfano.

De los endemicos insulares me agrada la Romany que ha escrito una historia de Sanchez Vilella que fluye como ficcion, contrario a quienes escriben ficcion que se lee como algun tratado de Acosta Lespier o las narraciones del descubrimiento. 
La liiteratura insular tiene la gracia, la fluidez de los chistes, dialogos, actuacion de la tele, los periodicos.  Un manejo idiomatico que golpea contundentemente con la artificialidad de los mamalones/as en la tele que insisten en pronunciar las ESES, creyendo ser finos i correctos como los pendejos/as que 'ensenhan" redaccion i estilo, que es muy util aunque uhtez no tenga tres carajoh que decil, ni sel originar.

ahora pal carajo
ago exit.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


 Check my previous post: 
May 17 2011
The bastard majority
to follow up

I HAVE NO use for architects, architecture or its various schools in Puerto Rico. They all stink.

They have effectively murdered aesthetics, accomplices in the non stop destruction of our flora/fauna and environment. Every damned structure in the asphalt/concrete isle,  is a variety of this ugly monster. A vertical flat Sweedish match box or inspired by lego blocks.  

The constipated architects in Puerto Rico, (I speculate that seven out of ten have not built a gutter), are teachers or monitor architects.
They have allowed this ugly, brutal, callous and out of proportion/scale structures in EVERY context, rural or urban.  No wonder their imbecile colleagues of the landscaping can not create anything without palms, lawns and Ficus.

This ugly monster is a token of hundreds of buildings in the San Juan Metro area and Puerto Rico in general. It stands out like a huge wart in ones nose. When the sun rises it glares like a glass hell. Architects stink and scratch each other backs, there is no other explanation for these structures violating simple laws of composition.


I AM running out of adjetives to describe how incapable of simple or complex reasoning, Puerto Ricans are in every aspect of the social/political/economical/educational
spectrum of our society.

Check the damage caused by erosion, in turn clogging the gutters and drains.  The fools refuse to buy/place the hay/grass stacks to reduce water speed and sediment running.

The imbeciles poured concrete on Tuesday morning, by noon it was rained down the hill towards Ponce de Leon Avenue.  On Thursday, the sidewalks still standing were eroded as the picture shows on Friday.

The cost of labor and materials continues down the drain, just because it has not occurred to  this ignorant bastards to spend between $50/$100 to buy and place the stacks in the gutters to stop the erosion and sediment.

That is that.
Believe or not!

Imagine if they get to 
construct el gasoducto 
de la muerte...lo que nos

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


IF YOU have been around these here pastures you may be aware of the beyond mentally handicapped creatures(787-289-2787 and 787-898-7507) building the Santurce sidewalks. The feeble minded crew and supervisors can not get the job done, correctly and/or on time. Not imported, they are natives.

The intense erosion shown in the photos leave no doubts as to what the residents have to tolerate. Five broken water meters, electrical wires exposed, a two wheeled guy unable to go to school for two weeks and residents risking their health walking close by four feet precipices.

No idea about efficient  labor and labor division. These people probably work 1one hour out of every 3. In the crew of six, two are constantly doing nothing. Particullarly the fat driver and the loader operator. One couldr, could ponder, about the deserved  fame of lazy, useless creatures. The stay home on sunny days and come when it rains, it does not fail. Puertoricans here and in the USA, are notorious for, baile, botella i baraja. This will soon to be confirmed in the New York National PR Parade. If this too harsh for you come down, check it out...

Since pictures are worthy a thousand words, you be the judge. If you are PROUD to belong to a society of mentally retarded incapable of using time efficiently, fine with me. I am not.. I rather be anything else. Take the flag and shove it.

Either the engineer in charge is feeble minded or the supervisor and the employees or the whole bunch. They do not show up when is sunny. It seems they watch the weather report to party on sunny days and come to work when it pours. 

ahora me voy.
Dario apaga la luz..

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


SOME OF YOU may remember the Bouret Street Sidewalks Blues. It does not matter, if you do not. However, if you want, just read the previous post regarding my adventures witnessing a group of seven people constructing sidewalks under the supervision of a very kind engineer.

For the last seven days I had to tolerate this portable latrine, next door.  That is the frontier with my south garden, the abandoned property to our right. It belongs to relatives of the Santana-Garcia, going to classical hereditary conflicts among thirteen people. I know thanks to Squeakee, the ugly beach, wife of the hog, Leonardo Rivera, the pigs to our left whose residence has been portrayed on and off.

The big deal wonders people and populace. Well, I asked with the little left kindness in dealing with people fashion, to an employee, evidently from Central America, to remove it since the stench was unbeareable. --You know what is good for--, the stench, responded the squat one.

I know--responded your humbre servant. One hour later, noticing the cement truck approaching I got close to a fellow with authority figure, asking title and relation to the sidewalk project. Engineer, responded our hero.

I told him that I had requested, pretty please with sugar on top, to the squat one to remove the smelly latrine one hour before and nothing had happened. 15 minutes later the latrine was removed.

Alabalo si podeis.  Bi di guay, so far, they have broken four water meter pipes and me water meter cover. But I am somejuat japi, if you ask me. I had the municipal police phone number ready, before I talked to this intelligent engineer. After all, they had violated principles of respect to private property law.

That is that. From this little token every Caribbean islander and native, would know juat to expect if el GASODUCTO DE LA MUERTE is built. Consider for the epilogue, the level between gutter and asphalt varies between five to twelve inches!  In brief, having good manners and respect like those shown by the engineer, a safe, well constructed sidewalk does not make!

Antigonum, excellent candidate for ZAR of 007 Recursos Naturales, Fideicomiso and Parques Nacionales has written/spoken. Save the bales or Give me librium or give me death.

apagad e iros...